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Hormones play a major role in a woman’s post-natal well-being. During pregnancy a woman’s hormones change dramatically, some nearly tripling their normal levels by the end of the third trimester. At approximately days 4-5 postpartum, these levels suddenly drop back down to their pre-pregnancy norms. This sudden drop in hormones is one of the leading factors in why so many mothers experience the “baby blues”. Encapsulating and consuming your placenta over time can assist with these changes, making the postpartum experience much more manageable and enjoyable.



Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone: ​Contributes to mammary gland development in preparation for lactation; stabilizes postpartum mood; regulates postpartum uterine cramping; decreases depression; normalizes and stimulates libido

Prolactin: ​Promotes lactation; increases milk supply; enhances the mothering instinct

Corticotropin Releasing Hormone (CRH): ​Low levels of CRH are implicated in postpartum depression. Regulation of CRH helps prevent depression

Oxytocin: ​Decreases pain and increases bonding in mother and infant; counteracts the production of stress hormones such as Cortisol; greatly reduces postpartum bleeding; enhances the breastfeeding let-down reflex

Placental Opioid-Enhancing Factor (POEF): ​Stimulates the production of your body’s natural opioids, including endorphins; reduces pain, produces feelings of well-being

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone: ​Regulates the thyroid gland; boosts energy and supports recovery from stressful events

Cortisone: ​Reduces inflammation and swelling; promotes healing

Interferon: ​Triggers the protective defenses of the immune system to fight infection 4 Prostaglandins: ​Regulates contractions in the uterus after birth; helps uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size. Anti-inflammatory effects

Iron: ​Iron combats anemia, increases energy; reduces fatigue and depression

Haemoglobin: ​Oxygen-carrying molecule which provides a boost in energy

Urokinase Inhibiting Factor and Factor XIII: ​Stops bleeding and enhances wound healing

Immunoglobulin G (IgG): ​Antibody molecules which support the immune system

Human Placental Lactogen (hPL): ​This hormone has lactogenic and growth-promoting properties; promotes mammary gland growth in preparation for lactation in the mother. It also regulates maternal glucose, protein, and fat levels​​



The placenta is a unique organ and unlike any other in the human body. Because it is so nutrient dense, almost every one of the 5,400 species of mammal on the planet consumes the placenta immediately postpartum in order to restore the energy, nutrients and minerals lost during the birth process. Placenta encapsulation is a modern, holistic way to improve a new mother’s health and well-being.

Your placenta is perfectly made for you, by you!

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